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PUBLIC NOTICE: Measures Being Proposed to Alleviate Port Congestion, South Dock Providenciales


November 23, 2023

Container yard #1 has been closed to facilitate the commencement of the redevelopment of South Dock, Provo. The Ports Authority acknowledges that this will reduce available container yard storage space. The remaining storage space has to be managed in a manner which maintains port safety and limits congestion. The support and cooperation of all port users will be required as we work to ensure safe and timely discharge of cargo, while keeping the port operational during implementation of redevelopment project!

The Ports Authority has been meeting with staff from Customs Department, Provo Stevedoring Limited and other stakeholders (at the meeting held on November 22, 2023) to consider ways to alleviate port congestion.

Accordingly, the following measures are being proposed to alleviate port congestion:

  1. Introduction of a pre-entry release system to allow imports by approved importers to be released on landing, once matched with a Bill of Lading.

  2. All imports which have been cleared has to be removed from the port facility.

  3. The site outside the port (between Sunoil and the new port office building) will be developed to store released cars and containers.

  4. Importers should provide Provo Stevedoring Limited with notice by 5 p.m. each day which containers will be required the next day to facilitate staging and timely collection of the containers.

  5. Truckers transporting released containers will be identified and given priority to enter the port.

  6. Truckers transporting containers that have been released by Customs and are on chassis will be allowed to enter port after Customs hours to transport such containers.

  7. We will coordinate with Provo Stevedoring Limited and shipping lines ensure export of as many containers as possible. While vessels are being off-loaded the port will receive containers for export on the same vessel.

This list is not exhaustive. Other measures which need to be considered by the government are under review. We inform you of these at a late date.

We welcome ongoing inputs from stakeholders on ideas to alleviate congestion at South Dock.

The Ports Authority restates its commitment to communications and dialogue during implementation if the redevelopment project.

Ports Authority of the Turks and Caicos Islands

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